Friday, October 22, 2010

Emacs is a belief! Introduced the world's most powerful editor

Editor's note: This is how the world's most powerful kind of strong law? One said: Emacs is a "faith." Another said: the world's programmers are three points

, A way to use Emacs, a way to use vim, the remaining is the other. (Completely ignoring the existence of the other editors ... ...)

To look at this was regarded as a religion, can coffee is what the editor looks like.

1, Emacs history

The initial version of the Emacs process is RichardStallman written in 1975 (age were greater than the number of readers it:)). After its derivative version

The numerous. Currently the two most frequently used version is RichardStallman developed in 1984 a version - GNUEmacs and 1991 by

JamieZawinski written XEmacs.

You will see him referred to dizziness.

E. M. A. C. S.

Emacs Makes A Computer Slow
Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
Emacs Makers Are Crazy Sickos
Emacs Makes All Computing Simple
Emacs Makefiles Annihilate C-Shells
Emacs Manuals Always Cause Senility
Emacs May Allow Customized Screwups
Emacs Manuals Are Cryptic and Surreal
Eventually Munches All Computer Storage
Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping
Elsewhere Maybe All Commands are Simple
Excellent Manuals Are Clearly Suppressed
Emacs May Alienate Clients and Supporters
Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists
Extended Macros Are Considered Superfluous
Every Mode Accelerates Creation of Software
Each Manual''s Audience is Completely Stupefied
Exceptionally Mediocre Algorithm for Computer Scientists
Easily Maintained with the Assistance of Chemical Solutions
Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity
(PConline Note: Please forgive no translation. Speak the translation more difficult, and many things were completely lost in the translation of the original flavor

Dao. )

Media Partners For reprint, please contact the author on their own, get permission.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Performance Evaluation of 10 folly

Performance is no fun at all. On the contrary, it often is very upset because the manager's performance evaluation is always a very stupid way, even this one pair of very important for everyone, one thing all messed up.

The first one kind of stupid behavior: spending too much time wasted on performance evaluation, rather than to the performance plan or the performance of continuous exchanges.

Performance assessment is a process at any time during the final link. On managers and employees a good communication link between. Therefore, we should devote more time to prevent problems that may affect performance and should not be concentrated in the year-end to assess performance. If managers know how steady and, then, the assessment process may be very simple, but may also be very happy, because such findings are not surprising.

The first two kinds of folly: the staff were compared.

Want to destroy the feelings of hurt morale and undermine the team, distrust it? It to the staff position, or to compare it to the staff! This method of quasi-line. In addition, managers not only in manufacturing all kinds of friction between employees, and may become a target of public criticism. This is the reward received by the manager.

The first three kinds of stupidity: forgetting the purpose of assessment is to improve, not criticism.

The purpose of performance evaluation is to improve performance, not look for a classic, for criticism. Forget that the last train out of the manager staff may no longer trust them, or can not tolerate them. That is because the criticism is meaningless, but also does not help. If any meaningful performance evaluation, it is that managers and employees to work together to move forward.

The first four kinds of folly: a evaluation form that is objective and impartial tool.

Many companies use assessment form (for example, is divided into five, etc.) to evaluate employees. They are only too happy to do so, probably because it is such a method particularly fast, but it is not necessarily the right approach. Once the managers feel that this classification is "correct" or objective, then the question arises, because this assessment is subjective at best, incorrect. For example, you get two people to assess with an employee, you will find that the findings are likely to far cry. This is the subjective assessment of performance. You should constantly remind ourselves: a hierarchy is the subjective evaluation form is subjective, assessment form is not feasible.

The first five kinds of stupid behavior: If the individual salaries and performance evaluation separated, then it stop the assessment.

This phenomenon quite common. The reason why the performance evaluation of managers often pay for their results as a basis. When wages peaked, or that wages have been separated and assessment and performance, the manager says, uninterested. What a stupid idea ah! Performance evaluation is to improve performance, not just to an increase in wages (although some people do not think so). Moreover, both the money or no money, everyone wants people to feedback on their work.

No. 6 folly: the manager believes he can accurately assess staff.

Manager deluding themselves that they can accurately assess staff performance, in fact, they may not have seen the process of staff work, not even seen the staff work results. Therefore, accurate assessment is impossible. Most managers are not in order to accurately assess staff and monitor staff work long. However, the manager and he likes to do, or have plenty of time to do so. Meanwhile, what employees want managers observe their every move from above it? Therefore, in the assessment process, we hope that managers and employees to work together.

Article 7 folly: to cancel or postpone evaluation meeting.

Such things often happen. I guess it is because of simply not accepted by the people so the manager had to admit any further delay. Why cancel or postpone the assessment of the meeting will have an enormous negative impact? It could have caused such an impression staff: assessment is unimportant, false. If managers do not want to hold assessment, then they do not assessed. Employees are not stupid in the end managers will attach importance to assess, to see that they are.

Article 8 folly: to measure or evaluate small.

Life is this: the most easily measured, most easily assessed is the work of the chores. Managers interested in the customer service is defined as "the phone rang three times to answer the phone within", or whatever the requirement. If you want this assessment, it is too easy enough. Really not easy to assess the overall quality of service, those who can attract customers, retain the overall quality of customer service. Measure of overall customer service quality is difficult, so many managers do not want to do, and to assess the trivia.

No. 9 folly: in the assessment process for employees by surprise.

You want a real waste of time, hoping for a paltry performance? Try this method must be right. No see the manager and staff throughout the year talk. When employees in a mess, not come forward to tube, but for the time being put aside, memorization mind. Then, to assess the meeting, the manager will collect all will fall into the past to mix out of the staff by surprise. In fact, one can only see just who is boss.

Article 10 kinds of stupid behavior: that all employees, all work the same procedure should be adopted, according to exactly the same methodology to assess.

All employees need the same approach to improve its performance? Of course not. Some people need specific feedback, others do not; some people need more communication, while others do not. Of course, the work is not the same. Do you want to, we can use the same method to assess the Ford Motor Company's CEO and workshop cleaning it? Of course not. So, why do managers insist on using the same tools and the same criteria to assess the receptionist and civil engineers?

This is stupid. Can not put the same standards universally applicable. So why do managers do? Probably because the Ministry of Personnel or Human Resources Department asked them to do so. This is understandable, but that does not change this fact: that is, it is foolish.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Shorewall simply set the single-user

Because my machine configuration is not high, firestarter too unstable in breezy on my old crash, novice guide to the top of the shorewall is not aimed at single users, the rules of grammar shorewall3.0.4 change.

The machine: The Telecom ADSL, ISP dynamically assigned ip.鍗曟満鍗曠綉鍗¤繛鎺dsl modem(PPPoE)涓婄綉锛屽叏鏂板畨瑁卻horewall銆?br />
1, linux firewall basics

銆??闄や簡杞欢鍜岀‖浠堕槻鐏鐨勫垎绫诲锛屽鏋滀互灏佸寘鎶垫尅鏈哄埗鏉ュ垎绫伙紝澶ф鍙互鍒嗕负proxy鍜孖P Filter銆?br />
Basically there are two linux's IP Filter firewall basic mechanisms, namely: Ip Filter and TCP_Wrapper.

銆??杩欓噷鎴戜滑璋圛P Filter锛屽洜涓簊horewall鍙互閫氳繃IPTABLES绠?崟璁剧疆IP Filter鐨勮鍒欍?

Or: If you do not trouble the syntax of iptables rules, or you can write your own batch of some iptables command shell procedure, can not install shorewall or any other firewall. Because the basic firewall under linux by setting the iptables rules are completed.

1. First determine (uname command to determine the core, lsmod to determine the current load module, if ipchains, run rmmod ipchains.

Then modprobe ip_tables iptables can be used in the module loaded now) what your kernel is used to resist the mechanism is not


銆??Linux Kernel Version 2.0锛氫娇鐢?ipfwadm

Linux Kernel Version 2.2: using ipchains

銆??Linux Kernel Version 2.4锛氫富瑕佹槸浣跨敤 iptables 浣嗕负浜嗗吋瀹?ipchains 锛屽洜姝ゅ湪 Version 2.4 鐗堟湰涓紝鍚屾椂灏?ipchains 缂栬瘧鎴愭ā缁勪緵浣跨敤锛屽ソ璁╀娇鐢ㄨ?浠嶇劧鍙互浣跨敤渚嗚嚜 2.2 鐗堢殑 ipchains 鐨勯槻鐏瑙勫垯銆?br />
And then execute the following code to watch the current firewall rules (network case, root user)

$ Sudo iptables-L-n (L is the meaning of the rules listed in the current table, n is the meaning of IP and HOSTNAME to the mutual conversion, this can speed up the display speed)

銆??$ sudo iptables -t nat -L -n (-t nat鐨勫惈涔夋槸鏄剧ずnat鐨刦ilter銆俰ptables浼氭湁nat tables鍜宖ilter tables锛屼笉鍔犲弬鏁颁负filter銆傛湁鍏磋叮鐨勫厔寮熷彲浠ュ弬鐪嬪叾浠栧叧浜巌ptables鐨勪粙缁嶏紝浠嬩簬澶暱锛屾澶勪笉鍋氫粙缁?)

Next we removed all the existing firewall rules (network case) root @ *** root] # / sbin / iptables [-t tables] [-FXZ]

The meaning of which parameters are:

銆??-F 锛氭竻闄ゆ墍浠ュ凡缁忓缓绔嬬殑瑙勫垯;

銆??-X 锛氭潃鎺夋墍鏈変娇鐢ㄨ?寤虹珛鐨?chain ( tables );

-Z: a count of all the chain and the traffic statistics classified as 0;

Example: [root @ *** root] # / sbin / iptables-F

[Root @ *** root] # / sbin / iptables-X

[Root @ *** root] # / sbin / iptables-Z

[Root @ *** root] # / sbin / iptables-t nat-F

Second, the specific installation Shorewall3.0.4

銆??涓嬭浇shorewall鏈?柊鐨勭ǔ瀹氱増鏈?.0.4(tarball瀹夎锛屽嵆涓烘簮浠g爜make瀹夎銆傜‘瀹氫綘鐨勬満鍣ㄨ窡闅忊?鏂版墜鎸囧崡鈥欒浜嗗熀鏈紪璇戝伐鍏?锛岀敱浜庢柊绔嬪緱閲岄潰杩樻槸2.澶氱殑鐗堟湰锛屽湪瀹樻柟缃戠珯鐪嬬殑鏄?鐨勪粙缁嶏紝鎵?互瀹夎3.0.4銆?Installation is simple and does not have other dependent issues.

1. Download:

2. You'll need: iptables (mentioned above) + iproute (check this command is sudo Which ip) (basically ubuntu5.10 having had, so it can not be considered)

3. Try not to edit the ms-windows inside the shorewall configuration files, because the ms and lin are not the same text layout, such as carriage return. to your directory after extracting and then. / Enter, see no error message, the OK. But at the moment does not start shorewall. Like to hold us to start.榛樿瀹夎涔嬪悗灏辨槸姣忔鍚姩灏辫嚜鍔ㄥ惎鍔ㄩ槻鐏(璁剧疆鏂囦欢鍦?/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf銆傛壘鍒癝TARTUP_ENABLED=Yes

, Yes representatives at startup!)

銆??5.瀹夎涔嬪悗鎵?湁鏂囦欢鍒嗗埆浣嶄簬锛?usr/shorewall 鍜?sbin 鍜?/etc/shorewall锛屾垜浠渶瑕佹敞鎰忕殑灏辨槸/etc/shorewall銆?Here is the configuration file. (Personal recommendation, for a number of important and often do not need to change the file can be hidden attribute chattr + i up, specific instructions, please look for 'man' man)

6. View installed version: sudo shorewall version 3.0.4 of the message can be


Detailed in the official documentation:, shorewall many documents, but little used in general users, especially our dial-up users of this single.

1. First of all configuration / etc / shorewall / zones file, browse to the last, add the following code: # ZONE TYPE OPTIONS

There's this line of the original document, fw is the firewall itself, must be net ipv4

loc ipv4


One of each type, options explained, the front part of the profile there, if we have strict requirements, you can refer to file configuration, the general user profile into the top on it.

2. Configure / etc / shorewall / interfaces, (here is the name used in the ZONE files / etc / shorewall / zones defined in the name, so in order not to mistake. This zone is relatively simple name and recommended this approach.) # ZONE INTERFACE BROADCAST OPTIONS

net ppp0


Similarly, the profile of the various parameters were explained in detail

3. Configure / etc / shorewall / rules and / etc / shorewall / policy

Relations: policy is to define the default policy to all of the connections (from one zone to another zone, such as we defined from the loc to net);

rules is to define specific firewall rules, that is the policy which do not.

Has conditions: any connection, firewall, first check the rules, if the rule does not describe the requirements on this link, you call the policy of the default configuration.

/ Etc / shorewall / policy configuration as follows (default) # SOURCE ZONE DESTINATION ZONE POLICY LOG LIMIT: BURST


loc net ACCEPT

net all DROP info

all all REJECT info


I usually read the following, to save each open port trouble. fw net ACCEPT

net all DROP info

all all REJECT info

The meaning of the above is to allow the machine all connect to the network requirements; network to connect to all of my zones (such as firewall fw, local loc) have dropped the connection request tcp packets, and logged. Reject all connection requests and logged (when the connection is refused, the firewall will return a RST (accession protocol is TCP) or an ICMP port unreachable packet to other protocols)


銆??杩欓噷鎴戦?鎷╀繚鎸侀粯璁わ紝灏辨槸娌℃湁瀹氫箟鐨勪笢瑗裤?濡傛灉浣犱互鍚庢兂寮?粈涔堢鍙o紝灏辫嚜宸卞湪杩欎釜涓婇潰鍐欏氨鏄簡銆?On the various options, configuration files there are very detailed description.姣斿 ACCEPT net loc icmp echo-request灏辨槸璁╃綉缁滃彲浠ing鍒版湰鏈虹殑璁剧疆銆?After you have to open ftp, bt, pop3 and other ports, he himself set in the above!


sudo shorewall start (note again a / var / lock / subsys to this folder, program needs, but ubuntu not in the directory, so to build their own! otherwise error message will be prompted)



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Friday, September 24, 2010

DreamWorks, Paramount Blu-ray defection SERAP 150 million U.S. dollars compensation

August 22, according to foreign media reports, Paramount (Paramount) and DreamWorks (DreamWorks) this week announced that it would abandon Blu-ray standard, instead wholeheartedly support the HD DVD format.

There is no doubt that this new generation DVD standards battle have a significant impact. Prior to that, Paramount and DreamWorks to wait and see attitude, which also supports Toshiba's HD DVD and Sony's Blu-ray formats.

But the two companies has unexpectedly said that after HD DVD and Blu-ray on a comprehensive evaluation of both formats, they decided to choose HD DVD. The reason is HD DVD technology has been well prepared universal, and relatively low production costs.

However, according to two people familiar with Viacom said, because the standard only supports HD DVD, Paramount and DreamWorks will get the total 150 million U.S. dollars in financial compensation.

Anyway, after the recent series of setbacks in the HD DVD camp, it certainly is a great comfort. In June this year, Blockbuster has said that its 1,700 stores would only support Blu-ray format, while HD DVD only in their online stores and 250 stores and the Blu-ray with the sale.

July, Target also announced that, although still plans to also sell discs of both formats, but the store will only offer Blu-ray player.

According to a survey released recently shows that in January 2007 to July between, HD DVD sales in the United States is about 795,000 units, while sales of BD discs is 160 million. As of the end of July this year, BD's has sold 2.2 million units a breakthrough, HD DVD's total sales, compared with 1.5 million units.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Star mass to "accreditation" may be interesting graffiti beef spoof

Step one: run a cattle images, click on "open a picture" button, to open a wall of photographs, as shown in Figure 02.

Figure 02 use of cattle to open a picture image

Step two: Click on upper right corner of the main interface of bovine image of "graffiti" button brings up to cattle, "graffiti" panel, as shown in Figure 03. Because it is a new feature, so we can start to learn what a cow images graffiti tools. In Figure 03, we see that in the "graffiti" panel in there, "drawing a line" "line drawing" "painting party", "Emulating" "draw arrow" five kinds of graffiti tools, were used to draw the free curve, straight line, rectangle, circle and arrow.

Figure 03 cattle images can "graffiti" tool

Step Three: Here we started the "graffiti" writing. First select the "line drawing" tool, and will be adjusted to 6 pixels thick brush, brush the color adjustment is white, then in the screen writing "accreditation" word, and finally add a phone number easily fill in the results as shown in Figure 04 ( just hold down the left mouse button, then drag the mouse on screen graffiti in a).

Figure 04 text for the image to add graffiti

Step Four: If you love enough to graffiti, then the screen can also add some small animals, little people and the like. In short, my picture I call the shots, thinking about how to draw on how to paint. As shown in Figure 05, is the author of "Emulating" and "painting party" and other tools to draw characters and animals.

Figure 05 Draw figures in the picture on the effect after

Step five: implementation of the "scene 鈫?real ones" command, select the scene in Figure 06, to produce the collective star to "accreditation" effect.

Figure 06 Application of "real ones," Scene

Scenarios, the final results shown in Figure 07.

The net effect of Figure Figure 07


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

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Aug. 23 message, Siemens bribery scandal, is an impact on China? Yesterday afternoon, Hausmann, president of Siemens China, told the media reports in Germany that is not true, now Siemens worldwide, including China are under investigation.

Hausmann stressed that Siemens China Company has been focused on staff training and education, especially in terms of compliance. For example, he said, fired 20 employees last year, because involving the Siemens not be tolerated.

This week, Germany's "Economic Weekly" quoted insiders as saying that Siemens, the Siemens operating companies in China, nearly half of the business involved in bribery. Adding that Siemens China branch has enormous power, and did not report to the Munich headquarters and make important investment decisions on their own. Hausmann replied that the investigation is under way in China, the audit firm conducting the audit day, so the above statement is not appropriate reports.

"For all violations, our tolerance is zero." Siemens new CEO L枚scher also true that the media, and the resolute Hausmann expressed his appreciation, "the company is the need for such a bold person. If someone breaches, and that he is not qualified to continue to do our employees, and this is the company's strategy. "


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30-year-old Professional Women's Achievements In 10 Puzzle 10

Thursday, July 15, 2010

30-year-old professional women's achievements in 10 puzzle 10

10 confused

1. Unresolved personal issues

Married with difficulties, not married even harder for fear of career break a lot of people not married to birth. Not married, age does not forgive, then quickly 30 years old, became marry the old maid. Some big girls forced to intense work, and even have time to fall in love.

2. Family business dilemma

Career and family seem really can not have both fish and bear's paw, is difficult to balance the dual roles. Their dedicated work requirements on the one hand, while her husband and children need their care. Especially now that the city man, well nice to live on Hongxingchuqiang. After all, the tragedy of multiple extramarital affairs. Well as the family worked hard to give up their cause, and believe that is very worthwhile.

3. Experience workplace ceiling

When in the workplace has its own an official post, mixed the more competent the manager or the like, think of higher level, but women's career development experiences bottlenecks, as the box of fleas, rebuffed everywhere. Women than men believe that the traditional media, the environment and the boss and the company has become a "strong woman" further obstacle to development. For women to jump out from the middle management positions to enter the company's senior management, are likely to contribute much more than men.

4. Premature aging, health crises

High-pressure high-intensity led to women's health issues. Work too tired to make premature aging, skin wrinkles, severe visual impairment. Professional women are facing a considerable part of the eye, cervical and breast hyperplasia disturbance. According to statistics, Shanghai, nearly 75% of professional women within a week less than 8 hours of sleep a day.

5. Excessive pressure to bring psychological crisis

The pressure not only affects health, but also a psychological destruction of women. Work stress, may be laid off at any time, any time, face family and marriage confusion. Thus, anxiety "heart disease" frequently high, insomnia, depression, allergic reactions and other diseases.

6. Ordinary family

Since these people graduate into the workplace, on the commonplace, in units dispensable. Using their own words is: It is hard to succeed, no future. Sunningdale career career planning expert analysis showed that the main cause of their dilemma is not prominent personal capacity, while women born weak and dependent personality makes them work hard in the lead role. Career experts say that to really change the fate of ordinary, first change its character, and work experience.

7. Heart sky high, life than paper thin

Many 30-year-old professional woman with years of experience though, but it does not recognize the potential career development law, the blind pursuit of jobs, salaries, benefits and other career goals, while ignoring their skills, work experience, performance, etc. career development. So everywhere complained of the treatment is too low, bad company, etc., to see if the water Moon --- high salary and can not be expected.

8. Youth rice, did not last long

Although a number of professional women holding high wages, but the prime of rice to eat, too short career of one over 30 years old, the future of the crisis, such as secretaries, public relations, models, actors and other professional. And these women do not have their own skills, future employment to make a living is a big problem. Career change? They have to start from scratch, too hard!

9. Burnout, job burnout

Stay in a job for several years, work is easy to lose motivation and enthusiasm. In particular, banks, factories technician, dealing with occupational data more vulnerable to burnout situation. The same thing every day, life has not changed, the work is not innovative, the area's character while away, another woman also be consumed for the development of golden career.

10. Workplace embarrassing role

Feminine role in the workplace caused confusion. Women, but women want to be care, self-esteem strong woman, women like to listen to good words, women are vulnerable ... ... Women in the workplace, how to define its role inside, well integrated into work, and coordinate relationships with men, on not much experience of a woman's life is indeed a problem. Also, depending on your dress, appearance, character self-adjustment.

10 achievements

1. Decent work has paid

After graduation, after several years of hard struggle, finally willing to go hard, paid, decent jobs. This is the dream goal of professional women. Of course, this women not the only ability to pay, had career is also important, such as oil, electricity, IT, marketing, cosmetics, auditing, accounting, insurance and other industries is relatively generous treatment. Sunningdale career career planning experts to remind you, good choices will make your future road widening.

2. Family (affection, marriage) and professional double harvest

While many people can not have both family and career and confusing times of distress, a number of professional women marriage, feelings, the cause of both the work of harvest. Home has a warm little house, in the company which also work very happy, although not say what became a manager, officer, but getting along pretty well.

3. Career choice in a large space, more freedom

Although there is no other professional women jump into the "Dragon", the occupation is very common, but by virtue of its excellent capability and outstanding performance, in our mixed out whatever, to the manager in charge of the location. This female character of the transition and complete the job the accumulation of relevant experience, working more relaxed and pleasant. Switch to select the greater space and more freedom.

4. The perfect combination of personal interest and career

Graduation at the beginning, forced employment pressure, many women are choosing the first job and then do the things they do not like. In the workplace after a period of running, finally able to find pleasure in work, but also some women find their work interesting.

5. Realize their values and ideals

School age, people more or less have their own dreams of life and hope. When into society, through their tireless efforts and struggle to achieve their own personal values and dreams. And in some traditionally male fields, such women are doing very well. This woman is naturally inferior to the traditional concept of men is a powerful counterattack.

6. Own boss, have their own business

Ability no matter how good, is to boss their lives. Post another high, high, but the boss. Some women are self-own business altogether, after several years of hard business, and finally have their own business, working for myself. In any case, career, find their own platform, which for women is a great professional success.

7. Was recognized by praise

Every woman has a little bit of vanity, it cares about what they say. So some of the balanced development of both professional women, in front of the proper performance of their superiors, colleagues, among them, interpersonal relations well, often praised by friends and family. Of course, this honor is to be careful everywhere, because social relationships are too complex, and most people hardly exhaustive.

8. Amateur rich life, the quality of life

Liberation from the busy work out, happy to enjoy the nightlife of Shanghai, often walk to the Bund, or to travel to enjoy the hobby. In the majority of people suffering from disease, a large modern city Shanghai, the work can be so out of bondage, young professional women are not too many. Such women also have time to practice their love life.

9. Intellectually capable, beautiful and have both fashion

Some women are freed from occupation, but also, learn a lot from the work of the road of knowledge and interaction with others, marble Xiuwaihuizhong temperament. In life, they know how to dress themselves, and are sensitive to fashion, always avant-garde, very stylish. Of course, these women do not engage in competitive pressure too much work.

10. Shanghai man behind the cause of "backing"

For many gold field to the beach for the development of the women who settled in Shanghai root is a good choice, also a kind of lucky. Such women work, pay attention to develop their own goals in life to balance career and life struggles together.

Recommand Link:

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Explosion WMV to DVD

Explosion WMV to DVD fast convert WMV files to all popular video formats such as DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, Xvid, ASF, etc. easily, and convert DVD to audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, etc. It can support many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, Zune, iPhone, PDA and MP4 player.

Explosion WMV to DVD is powerful, easy to use DVD to WMV converter and DVD to WMA converter software which helps you rip and convert DVD to WMV video file formats or extract to WMA audio file formats with excellent quality.

Recommand Link:

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

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EZ WMV To RM Converter is a easy software program for converting WMV, ASX, ASF to RM format at fast speeds and high quality. By using this software, users will be released from the limitations and difficulties of converting video to RM format.

EZ WMV To RM Converter can convert WMV, ASF, ASX to RM format. It supports batch conversion. You can once add a list of video files and the software will automatically finish the conversion one by one. You can also set the output parameters of the output RM files.

Recommand Link:

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Recommand Link:

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happiness MP3 WAVE Midi to WMA Editor

Happiness MP3 WAVE Midi to WMA Editor- Just download it to have a try, you will love it. All ID3 tags in the original files will be reserved after the conversion. The software integrates with all audio encoders/codecs - users can convert all supported audio formats once download the program. Audio converter to convert MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, VQF and WAV from one format to another directly. Support remote free CDDB. Support audio CD auto-detection . Easy-to-use design. Support multiple CD-ROM drives. High speed ripping and conversion. CD ripper to rip CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM directly,

Recommand Link:

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happiness CD MP3 CDA to APE Converter

Happiness CD MP3 CDA to APE Converter - Cut and paste sounds ( MP3s, WMAs, WAVs) quickly and easy and Mix, record or overdub as many simultaneous WAV and WMA &MP3 files as you want. Export mix as a single wav file or multiple wav files for burning a DJ style mix CD. Mix it up. It's your soup and clear and intuitive user interface makes it easy to use. Convert wav to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM. Take up the very few system resources. Convert wav to WMA. Supports the multi-threaded operation of copying a CD and generating mp3 files at the same time.

Recommand Link:

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Professional Music MP3 to RA Ripping

Professional Music MP3 to RA Ripping - Powerful audio encoder & codec which can convert between MP3 WAV WMA MP4 M4A OGG etc. popular audio formats and extract audio from popular video file formats, such as AVI MPG ASF WMV. ImTOO Audio Encoder provides users an easy way to convert audio files within a few clicks. An easy and completed way for OGG Codec, MP3 Codec, WMA Codec, Besides MP3 WAV WMA, ImTOO Audio Encoder also supports MP4 M4A MP2 OGG APE AAC VQF etc. formats. All conversion processes between these formats are very easy to handle and fast. Professional Music MP3 to RA Ripping provides different settings for different audio formats - users can easily get output files as they want. No matter what audio file you want, ImTOO Audio Codec Encoder can do it for you! Supports ID3 tag and batch conversion. Users don't have to think so much, just need a click! It is a digital audio editor,converter, CD ripper for recording and audio editing and converting. Its easy to understand, clear and intuitive user interface makes it very easy to use.It is designed for the everyday user with amazing audio effects, audio filters and tools for converting audio files into different formats, ripping Audio CD tracks to audio directly, including MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM and many others. querying Audio CD CDDB information from internet. Finished and wrong files are cleaned automatically.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Bluesea MP3 WAV DVD-Audio to Midi Copy

Bluesea MP3 WAV DVD-Audio to Midi Copy is an excellent CDA to MP3 converter which can convert CDA to MP3 and also a powerful CD to MP3 ripper which can rip CD to MP3 fast and easily. Free download is available. Audio format conversion is performed directly without any temporary files, and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk resource. You can convert many files in a batch regardless of their source formats and target formats. Right click on files in the Explorer or File Manager, select "Convert to Mp3(or CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM)" and you are brought right into the Audio Converter. This is an very useful feature. This Audio Converter also supports playback of all the audio files with its built-in player. Start downloading the smartest converter now!

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DPSOFT All to iPod Zune PSP 3GP

All to iPod Zune PSP 3Gp is a powerful yet easy to use video converter to convert your video, DVD and VCD to iPod, Zune, PSP, 3GP or 3G2 formats. Additionally, this software can convert to AVI, WMV, MPEG, MOV, MP3, AAC and other video and audio formats. You can also rip your CD to MP3 or any other supported formats. This software is an ideal companion for your portable video and audio player.

- Convert video, DVD or VCD to MPEG4, 3GP or 3G2 format
- Additional support conversion to AVI, WMV, MPEG and MOV formats
- Support conversion to MP3, AAC, M4A, WMA audio formats
- Batch Job Conversion
- Facilities to change Frame Rate, video resolutions and other parameters
- Stunningly fast conversion with efficient encoder
- Clear visual progress indicator

Recommand Link:


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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bluesea AC3 APE to MP3 ID3 Tag Copying

Bluesea AC3 APE to MP3 ID3 Tag Copying - With Bluesea AC3 APE to MP3 ID3 Tag Copying you can save audio files in any of the supported formats (can also save any portion of a loaded file to disk as a new file). With Bluesea AC3 APE to MP3 ID3 Tag Copying you can edit audio files visually (Cut, Copy, Delete Selection, Crop, Trim, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix From File). It supports ID3v1,2 tagging that allows you to save and edit song information such as title of a song and album, name of artist, year etc. in MP3, OGG and WMA files. Encode WAV to MP3, OGG, WMA;

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Christmas-Idea SVCD DVD Ripping Platinum

Christmas-Idea SVCD DVD Ripping Platinum is all-in-one, 400% fast rip DVD to all popular video and audio formats such as rip DVD to MP4, AVI, DivX, MPEG, WMV, MP3, WMA, etc with great quality.

Christmas-Idea SVCD DVD Ripping Platinum is easy rip DVD to AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), MP4 (inc. Sony PSP and Apple iPod), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG 1,2,4, MPG, DAT, VCD, SVCD, MJPEG, Real Video (RM, RMVB). All formats video editing software. Edit video and burn your video collections onto a CD-R/RW, DVD+/-R, DVD+/-RW, DVD-RAM, Double/Dual Layer using flexible and convenient menu options and individual menu styles. DVD, VCD and SVCD formats are supported. rip DVD to all popular audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG. Compared with other DVD ripper, Christmas-Idea SVCD DVD Ripping Platinum full functionality, easy to use and multiple options, allows you to rip DVD by custom file size, rip DVD's any segment, select target subtitle and audio track. DVD editing is easy!

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Ogg to 3g2 audio conversion software

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hot iPod Video Converter

Hot iPod Video Converter has the easy convert almost all popular video formats to iPod Video and other various video formats. It supports converting among AVI, MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video. VOB to iPod MP4 video and extracting audio from video file and converting to MP3, WAV, AC3, WMA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc.

Hot iPod Video Converter is a best video and movie converter to iPod! This product offers convert movie to iPod, Easy Convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Hot iPod Video Converter helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format!

Recommand Link:

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Satellite Tv on Pc

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NO EXTRA HARDWARE OR TV CARD REQUIRED: There is no need to buy extra hardware equipment or a PC TV card because the TV channels are streamed through your internet connection. You just need an internet connection. It even works with a 56k connection. (A Broadband connection will deliver superior audio and video quality).

VERY EASY TO USE / NO PC KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED: Just install the program and click - then instantly watch International satellite channels on your PC! It only takes a few seconds...



Get over 4000 Stations for a small one-time fee. You have nothing else to pay... EVER! Now you can watch hundreds of LIVE worldwide channels on your PC. You won't be disappointed...

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Flash Video Grabber

Flash Video Grabber is an all-in-one program for processing FLV files, including the downloading, playing back and converting, and offers the one-stop solutions in this respect .
Flash Video Grabber help you monitor the web pages and download the FLV file, for instance, YouTube, MySpace, Google Video, Yahoo! Video, Metacafe, etc. With the technologies of automatic URL-parsing and multi-thread downloading, the program is easy-to-use and powerful.
Besides download, Flash Video Grabber is a good Flash video manager, providing the bonus functions of processing the downloaded FLV files using FLV Player and FLV to WMV Converter.

Recommand Link:

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Hot-time VOB Converter Platinum

Hot-time VOB Converter Platinum is easy and fast DVD VOB software with powerful and integrative functions. Easy convert VOB files to all popular video and audio formats with easy. It includes features of both VOB Ripper and VOB to Audio Ripper. With it, you can easily rip your VOB Files to all popular video formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, RM, MOV, MP4, 3GP, 3G2, Xvid, ASF, etc., and convert VOB to audio formats including MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, M4A, MP2, OGG, etc. It can support many personal multimedia devices such as PSP, iPod, Zune, iPhone, PDA and MP4 player, with the fastest speed.

Recommand Link:

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